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ปรับปรุงครั้งล่าสุด 19 มีนาคม ค.ศ. 2024
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ชื่อ Webpage capture on the news article about svay Rieng workers storm out of factory amid Covid scare

The article discusses an appeal made by the Svay Rieng Provincial Administration to workers and truck drivers associated with A&J Cambodia, a bicycle-producing factory in Bavet town. The appeal urges them to enter quarantine after workers left the factory due to fears of contracting COVID-19. The workers rushed home from the factory located in the Tay Seng I Special Economic Zone on May 26. The administration advises those displaying COVID-19 symptoms to undergo testing immediately and monitor their health for 14 days. The appeal follows reports that approximately 60 out of the 1,000 workers at the factory tested positive for COVID-19. Upon learning of this, a large number of workers stormed out of the factory, and authorities were looking for the workers.

  • ภาษาอังกฤษ