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5,864 datasets found

  • Royal Decree on the Appointment of the Civil Servants of Securities and Exchange Commission of Cambodia

    The purpose of this Royal Decree is about the Appointment of the Civil Servants of Securities and Exchange Commission of Cambodia.

  • Royal Decree on the Adjustment of Pailin City to Pailin Province

    This Royal Decree states about the Adjustment of Pailin City to Pailin Province.

  • Royal Decree on the Organization and Functioning of the National Committee for Early Childhood Care Development

    This Royal Decree stipulates the organization and functioning of the National Committee for Early Childhood Care and Development or in short NC-ECCD as a mechanism for...

  • Kret on the Establishment of the Supreme Council on National Culture

    This Kret is about the Establishment of the Supreme Council on National Culture in the Kingdom of Cambodia.

  • Kram on the Establishment of the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts

    This Kram is about the Establishment of the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts in the Kingdom of Cambodia.

  • Royal Decree on the Establishment of Dental Council

    This Royal Decree states about the Establishment of Dental Council to establish a Dental Council in order to mobilize all dentists who have adequate physical for delivering...

  • Royal Decree on Health Logo, Officer Insignia and Uniform of High and Secondary Cadre

    The purpose of this Royal Decree is to guide about the Health Logo, Officer Insignia and Uniform of High and Secondary Cadre in the Kingdom of Cambodia.

  • Royal Decree on Converting the Name of Hospital from Preah Norodom Sihanouk to Referal Khmer-Soviet Hospital

    This Royal Decree states about the converting the name of hospital from Preah Norodom Sihanouk to Referal Khmer-Soviet Hospital.

  • Royal Decree on Inheritance System

    This Royal Decree is about the Inheritance System in the Kingdom of Cambodia.

  • Royal Decree on the Organization and Functioning of the National Council of Science and Technology

    The purpose of this Royal Decree is to​ create​ and​ determine​ the​ Organization​ and​ the Functioning​ of​ the​ National Council​ of science and technology in​ order​ to...

  • Sub-Decree No. 10 on the Procedures for Imposing Disciplinary Sanctions on Civil Servants

    This sub decree states about the the Procedures for Imposing Disciplinary Sanctions on Civil Servants when the civil servants violate law or fail to fulfill the work obligation.

  • Sub-Decree No. 44 on Visa-Registration of Medicines

    This Sub Decree states about the regulations of medicines in Cambodia and all kinds of medicines produced locally can be displayed for sale only if they are registered with visa...

  • Sub-Decree​​​ No. 23 on Production, Import-Export and Trade of Traditional Medicines for the Health Sector

    This sub decree aims to control the production,import and export and trading of traditional medicines in the Kingdom of Cambodia.

  • Sub-Decree No. 67 on the Organization and Functioning of the Ministry of Health

    This Sub-decree is to organize units of Ministry of Health and determine the mission of the Ministry and functions of all Directorate General and Departments.

  • Royal Decree on Adjusting the Retirement Age of Female Civil Servants

    This Royal Decree on the adjustment of the retirement at the age of 60 for female civil servants in the Kingdom of Cambodia.

  • Royal Decree on the Appointment of Board Members of Cambodian Sports Council

    This Royal Decree states about the Appointment of Board Members of Cambodian Sports Council.

  • Royal Decree on the Principles of Organizing the Public Services

    The purpose of this decree is to establish a new set of rules for the establishment of the public function of the Kingdom of Cambodia as well as the code of rank and rank set by...

  • Criminal Procedure Code

    This Code of Criminal Procedure aims at defining the rules to be strictly followed and applied in order to clearly determine the existence of any criminal offense.

  • Law Adopting the Protocol on the Special Arrangement for Sensitive and Highly Sensitive Products

    The objectives of this law are about the Agreement on the Common Effective Preferential Tariff Scheme for the ASEAN Free Trade Area and the arrangement for Sensitive and Highly...

  • Law Adopting the Protocol on Amending Agreement on the Common Effective Preferential Tariff (CEPT) Scheme for the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA)

    This Agreement shall apply to all manufactured products, including capital goods, processed agricultural products, and those products failing outside the definition of...