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666 datasets found

  • UN Women Asia and the Pacific: Lao PDR

    The webpage provides an overview of the state of gender equality in Lao PDR, as well as challenges the country faces.

  • Laos: Education

    The page provides an overview of the state of education in Lao PDR, as well as the work that Save the Children is doing to improve it.

  • A Policy Snapshot of Health and Nutrition in Lao PDR

    This page provides an overview of four policy notes that explain the state of health and nutrition in Lao PDR.

  • UNICEF Data: Monitoring the Situation of Children and Women Lao People’s Democratic Republic

    This page provides data on child health, child mortality, nutrition, maternal health, early childhood, education, HIV/AIDS, child protection, and sanitation and water in Lao PDR.

  • Maternal death rate plunges in Lao People's Democratic Republic

    The page provided a news on the improvement of maternity in Laos

  • Growth Cuts Absolute Poverty, but Inequality Rising in Lao PDR- ADB Study

    A review of an ADB study on poverty and inequality trends in Lao PDR.

  • Human Development Reports: Lao People's Democratic Republic

    This webpage provides an overview of human development indicators and the human development index for Lao PDR.

  • Laos - Access to electricity

    Breakdown along demographic lines, such as rural-urban, of the sections of the population that have access to electricity.

  • Presentation: Seventh national socio-economic development plan

    Presentation given on the introduction of the seventh national development plan and the progress and results of the sixth development.

  • Hydropower in Lao PDR

    A government-provided overview of the major sources of hydropower in Laos.

  • Multiple use benefits: Nam Ngum 1 Hydropower Plant, Lao PDR

    Discusses the Nam Ngum 1 Hydropower Plant. Originally proposed for its power generation benefits to Lao PDR, the Nam Ngum 1 Dam creates significant additional benefits,...

  • Renewable Energy Technology in Asia Project Implementation in Lao PDR

    United Nations case study review of the Asia Project's investment in renewable energy development in Laos.

  • Lao PDR national sustainable energy strategy report on enabling environment and technology innovation ecosystem for affordable sustainable energy options

    Analysis of Lao dependence on hydropower and possibilities for development in other forms of renewable energy

  • Laos energy situation

    Provides data on a series of aspects of Lao energy consumption, usage, and production.

  • Energy sector to become major GDP contributor in Laos: minister

    Brief article about comments issued by a Lao official on predictions about the continuing growth of the energy sector in Laos

  • ‘Lao PDR Country Report’ in Kimura, S. and P. Han (eds.) in Energy Outlook and Energy Saving Potential in East Asia 2016

    General overview of economic policies and energy information in regards to Lao policy.

  • World Population Dashboard Lao People's Democratic Republic

    This dashboard gives an overview of the population in Lao PDR, with factors like maternal and newborn health.

  • Scaling up South-South Cooperation for Sustainable Development

    South-South Cooperation is ‘A process whereby two or more developing countries pursue their individual and/or shared national capacity development objectives through exchanges...

  • Development Finance for the 8th National Socio-Economic Development Plan and the Sustainable Development Goals in Lao PDR: A Development Finance and Aid Assessment

    This Development Finance and Aid Assessment (DFAA) was commissioned by the Ministry of Planning and Investment, with the support of the United Nations Development Programme...

  • MDGs Localization in Lao PDR

    1.Localization of MDGs in Lao PDR 2.Key successes in localizing MDGs 3.Key challenges and some off-track MDGs 4.Post-2015 development agenda