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1,453 datasets found

  • COVID19 and Impacts on Environmental Human Rights Defenders and Environmental Protection in Southeast Asia: A regional analysis of legislative and political trends in 2020.

    This report examines the positive and negative impacts of the decrees, laws and other government policies on environmental rights that were either enacted in response to...

  • Mekong Regional Hydropower Dams 2020


  • Years of Schooling and Learning Adjusted Years in School - LMTV


  • Lower Mekong Countries Protected and Heritage Areas


  • Health Facilities in Mekong Countries 2020


  • e-ASEAN Framework Agreement

    For the purposes of this Agreement the following terms shall, unless the context otherwise requires, have the meanings indicated below: (a) “Information and Communications...

  • Political declaration of the high-level political forum on sustainable development convened under the auspices of the General Assembly

    Resolution on the way to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. UN gearing up for a decade of action and delivery for sustainable development.

  • Greater Mekong Hydropower facilities 2014 - TEST

    With its vast, complex network of tributaries, the Mekong river system has been identified as a valuable source of hydroelectricity generation from as early as the 1960s.
  • AidData’s Chinese Official Finance in Three Ecologically Sensitive Areas, Level 1, Version 1.01 Profile

    AidData Profile for Chinese ODA - all
  • Global Critical Habitat


  • Hydro basins level 3 Mekong


  • Greater Mekong Subregion hydropower dams (2016)


  • Forest Fires in Lower Mekong Countries


  • Air Quality: Carbon Monoxide

    คาร์บอนมอนอกไซด์ (Carbon monoxide - CO) เป็นก๊าซติดตามชั้นบรรยากาศที่สำคัญต่อการทำความเข้าใจปฏิกิริยาเคมีในชั้นโทรโพสเฟียร์ ในเขตเมืองบางแห่งคาร์บอนมอนอกไซด์เป็นตัวก่อมลพิษในชั้...

  • 1st ODI Virtual Meetup: Data Storytelling and Literacy during the Pandemic

    ODI developed the open data portal ODM to increase the data ecosystem in the region, specifically to increase evidence-based decision making based upon reliable and accurate...

  • Main Tourist sites of Laos


  • Cybersecurity in the Mekong region: An Analysis of the Legal Framework and Recommendations for the Protection of Indigenous Environmental Human Rights Defenders

    This article reviews the existing legal frameworks regulating cyber security and its applications in the Mekong countries with special focus on IEHRDs; to identify specific...

  • Indigenous data sovereignty in the Mekong Region

    The Mekong region is home to over 100 indigenous and ethnically distinct communities who have struggled to retain their autonomy. While each group of indigenous and ethnic...

  • New Species Discoveries in 2020 in the Greater Mekong

    The Greater Mekong region is one of planet Earth’s most important biodiversity hotspots, highlighted by the endless number of new species discovered there every year. The...

  • Figures on ethnic minority women and men in Vietnam 2015-2019. From the findings of Surveys on the socio-economic situation amongst 53 Ethnic Minority Groups 2015-2019.

    The report Figures on Ethnic Minority Women and Men in Viet Nam 2015-2019 presents gender analysis and highlights gender outcomes, and provide policy recommendations for gender...