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12.452 datasets found

Kết quả lọc
  • Video tutorial on data literacy​ training

    This video series presents 11 lessons and introduction to data literacy organized by the Open Development Cambodia Organization (ODC) to provide video tutorials on data literacy...

  • State land reclassification

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  • National eco-tourism policy 2019-2028

    This policy document acts as a beacon, highlighting key elements to ensure the quality of tourism products and services, environmental protection and conservation, as well as...

  • Medium term public financial framework 2025-2027

    This document outlines the formal implementation of the 2025–2027 medium-term public financial framework in accordance with the Law on the Public Financial System and as part of...

  • National policy on child protection system 2019-2020

    This policy aims to establish child protection that extends to existing mechanisms and continues to be systematic in order to provide consistent services for children and their...

  • Myanmar Foreign Direct Investment update by county

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  • Myanmar Companies Law

    The Myanmar Companies Law was enacted by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw in 2017.

  • Law on mutual legal assistance in criminal ​matters

    This law provides for legal assistance in the field of criminal relations between the Kingdom of Cambodia and foreign states in connection with criminal proceedings, as well as...

  • National intellectual property policy 2023-2028

    The national intellectual property policy has three main objectives: first, to develop laws and regulations related to intellectual property in line with international...

  • Percentage of Poverty and Vulnerable Group in Myanmar 2020

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  • Information book on the capitals and provinces of Cambodia, including​ maps, geography, demographic and potential

    This capital-provincial book is organized for the purpose of collecting, compiling, and presenting brief general information about the capital and provinces, including maps,...

  • ASEAN Statistical Yearbook 2023

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  • ASEAN Statistical Yearbook 2022

    The ASEAN Statistical Yearbook 2022 provides a detail overview of a wide range of statistical areas across ASEAN including population, education, health, employment,...

  • ASEAN Statistical Yearbook 2021

    The ASEAN Statistical Yearbook 2021 covers data for the period of 2011-2020 comprising of sections on ASEAN population, education, health, employment, macroeconomic performance,...

  • Myanmar Statistical Yearbook

    The Myanmar Statistical Year book provides an update compendium of statistics on demographic, socio-economic and environmental aspects of Myanmar. The statistics are compiled...

  • [Draft] Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Stung Pursat 1 hydroelectric project (80MV) in Veal Veng district Pursat province (BOT)

    KTC Cable was registered in Seoul, South Korea on August 2005 and focus on electric and optical wire production for all telecommunication network. In 2006 this company received...

  • Sub-Decree No. 38 on the land reclassification of state public property to state private property in Khsach Kandal, Mukh Kampul, and Ang Snoul Districts, Kandal province

    This Sub-Decree aims to reclassify the state public property to state private property​ by reclassifying 4 areas from the state private property located in Khsach Kandal, Mukh...

  • Video on the loss of natural resources

    This video shows the loss of natural resources. The video is produced by indigenous people youths through the Civil Society Support Activity: cluster Anchor Grants funded by...

  • Video on climate change is affecting communities

    This video shows the climate change is affecting communities. The video is produced by indigenous people youths through the Civil Society Support Activity: cluster Anchor Grants...

  • Video on indigenous live after floods and deforestation

    This video shows indigenous live after floods and deforestation. The video is produced by indigenous people youths through the Civil Society Support Activity: cluster Anchor...

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