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12.456 datasets found

Kết quả lọc
  • U4: An International Anti Corruption Court_A Synopsis of the Debate

    Impunity and the transnational nature of corruption have led to calls for an international anti-corruption court that could hold kleptocrats accountable and spur governments to...

  • U4: Literature Review: The Use of ICTs in the Fight Against Corruption

    E-governance has gained popularity in recent years, with many countries resorting to information communications technology (ICTs) to modernise government, increase efficiency...

  • (RANKED) 2019 World Press Freedom Index: The Southeast Asian Rankings

    According to data published by Reporters Without Borders (RSF) on April 18, 2019, the 2019 World Press Freedom Index categorizes the media climate in more than three-fourths of...

  • Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority payment branches

    Location of Phnom Penh water supply authority payment branches where customers can pay water bills in Phnom Penh and Kandal.

  • Ảnh hưởng của hoạt động khai thác khoáng sản đến rừng và đa dạng sinh học 2015

    Báo cáo này tập trung vào các nội dung sau: - Các tác động của hoạt động khai thác khoáng sản đến tài nguyên rừng và đa dạng sinh học ở xã Minh Sơn; - Sự chia sẻ lợi ích giữa do...

  • Sub-decree No.59 on the reclassification of 12,016 hectares of public land as state private land, situated in the sustainable use zone of Bokor Preah Monivong national park in Kampot and Preah Sihanouk province

    This sub-decree was issued with the decision of reclassifying 12,016 hectares of public land as state private land, situated in the sustainable use zone of Bokor Preah Monivong...

  • Instruction on the implemenation of small vacation for all academic institutions both private and public across the country

    The instruction aims to notify all academic institutions to enforce an early summer vacation to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

  • Coronavirus COVID-19 global cases by Johns Hopkins CSSE

    Dữ liệu này không có mô tả

  • Sub-decree No. 122 on the determination of sustainable use areas on 168.80 hectares (one hundred, sixty-eight hectares and eighty ares) in Botum Sakor national park reclassification of state public land to state private land

    This sub-decree was issued by the Royal Government of Cambodia, which has decided a sustainable use area of ​​168.80 hectares (one hundred and sixty-eight hectares and eighty...

  • Cambodia​ Fundamental​ Freedoms​ Monitor​ Year​ 4​

    Cambodian​ Human​ Rights​ and​ Development​ Association​ (ADHOC),​ Cambodian​ Center​ for​ Human​ Rights​ (CCHR)​ and​ the​ Solidarity​ Center​ have​ collaborated​ to​ collect​...

  • Smoke​ on​ the​ Water:​ A​ Human​ Rights​ and​ Social​ Impact​ Assessment​ of​ the​ Destruction​ of​ the​ Tompoun/Cheung​ Ek​ Wetlands​

    More​ than​ one​ million​ people​ across​ Phnom​ Penh​ are​ facing​ the​ risk​ of​ increased​ flooding​ and​ over​ one​ thousand​ more​ families​ are​ at​ risk​ of​ evictions,​...

  • Người bản địa ở ASEAN: Việt Nam

    Nghiên cứu này tóm lược lịch sử ngắn gọn về người dân bản địa của Việt Nam và cung cấp thông tin của họ (về dân số, vị trí địa lý, kinh tế, xã hội và văn hóa; thể chế phong tục;...

  • Drivers of Deforestation?Facts to be considered regarding the impact of shifting cultivation in Asia

    An estimated 260 million indigenous peoples live in Asia1. Most of them inhabit forested uplands where a large number of them practice shifting cultivation, which is also called...

  • Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Cambodia

    United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (76th Session 2010) The rights of Indigenous Peoples in Cambodia, shadow report, submitted by Indigenous...

  • Learning lessons and skills in Indigenous Media Advocacy

    A report on the skills sharing exchange program of indigenous voices in Asia.

  • REDD+ and Indigenous Peoples: A Briefing Paper for Policy Makers

    This report describes the process of REDD+, its implications for indigenous peoples, and its applications for policy makers and governments.

  • REDD+ implementation in Asia and the concerns of indigenous peoples

    This report provides an overview on indigenous peoples in five REDD+ countries in Asia, namely, Indonesia, Nepal, Vietnam, Laos and Thailand and the status of REDD+...

  • Drivers of deforestation? Facts to be considered regarding the impact of shifting cultivation in Asia

    This document examines issues surrounding shifting cultivation, including: -Key findings of research on shifting cultivation, underpinning the dire need to earnestly consider...

  • REDD+ and Indigenous Peoples: A briefing paper for policy makers

    Dữ liệu này không có mô tả

  • Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) in REDD+ for Indigenous Peoples - Training Manual

    This manual aims to build the capacities of the indigenous peoples, networks and organizations to advocate and work for the effective implementation of FPIC for indigenous...

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