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12.460 datasets found

Kết quả lọc
  • Tỷ lệ các tín đồ là người dân tộc thiểu số

    Tín ngưỡng là một trong những nét đặc trung đối với mỗi dân tộc và mỗi dân tộc sẽ có tỷ lệ người dân theo tôn giáo khác nhau. Qua bộ dữ liệu này sẽ cung cấp cho người đọc về tỷ ...

  • Năm 2017 kỷ lục của thiên tai: Xuất hiện 16 cơn bão, lũ lịch sử trái quy luật

    Chưa năm nào xuất hiện 16 cơn bão, hồ Hòa Bình phải xả tấp cập 8 cửa đáy, lũ lịch sử ở Ninh Bình, Thanh Hóa....

  • Building up land concession inventories: The case of Lao PDR

    The national inventory of land purchases and leases in Lao PDR is unique in providing comprehensive in-depth analysis of the extent and impacts of large scale land acquisitions...

  • UNAIDS data 2019

    The AIDS epidemic has put a spotlight on the many fault lines in society. Where there are inequalities, power imbalances, violence, marginalization, taboos and stigma and...
  • Maternal mortality: Levels and trends 2000 to 2017

    In anticipation of the launch of the Sustainable Development Goals, the World Health Organization (WHO) and partners released a consensus statement and full strategy paper on...

  • Accelerating progress: An empowered, inclusive and equal Asia and the Pacific

    Empowering people, ensuring inclusiveness and equality is fundamental to realizing sustainable development. What change is needed to strengthen empowerment and promote inclusion...

  • Indicator 3.3.3: Malaria incidence per 1,000 population at risk Myanmar 2010-2017

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  • SDG3.c.1: Health worker density, by type of occupation (per 10,000 population) for LMCs

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  • SDG 3.8.2 proportion of population with large household expenditures on health (at 10% of household total consumption or income)

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  • Cải cách chính sách thủy điện của Việt Nam

    Trong hơn hai thập kỷ qua, Việt Nam đã nhanh chóng xây dựng nhiều nhà máy thủy điện quanh vùng Trung du miền núi phía Bắc, Trung - Tây Nguyên và Đông Nam Bộ. Đến năm 2010, tổng ...

  • Road traffic deaths data by country

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  • Out of pocket expenditure (% of current health expenditure) 2016

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  • Myanmar New HIV infections all ages 1990 to 2018

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  • List of Countries with 2 Digit Codes (ISO 3166-2)

    ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 English country names and code elements. This list states the country names (official short names in English) in alphabetical order as given in ISO 3166-1 and...

  • Lao Poverty Policy Brief: Why Are Ethnic Minorities Poor?

    An explanation on poverty within Laos, its origins and perpetuating factors, and how it breaks down along demographic lines.

  • The identity of Hayi Ethnic Group [Lao PDR]

    This booklet explains about the traditions and cultures of Hayi ethnic group

  • The identity of Akha Ethnic Group [Lao PDR]

    This booklet explains about the traditions and cultures of Akha ethnic group

  • The identity of Hor Ethnic Group [Lao PDR]

    This booklet explains about the traditions and cultures of Hor ethnic group

  • The identity of Lolo Ethnic Group [Lao PDR]

    This booklet explains about the traditions and cultures of Lolo ethnic group

  • The identity of Syla Ethnic Group [Lao PDR]

    This booklet explains about the traditions and cultures of Syla ethnic group

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