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12.463 datasets found

Kết quả lọc
  • Foreign Aid to Laos

    This paper is a briefing on Official Development Assistance (ODA) to the Lao PDR, 2010-2014.

  • Lao Natural Resources

    Lao Natural Resources
  • 200 years to go before Laos is cleared of unexploded US bombs from Vietnam war era

    This article tells stories on the durable and cost-intensive activities of UXO clearance in Laos [Lao PDR].

  • River Networks of Laos

    A geospatial dataset mapping river systems of Laos. Attributes include: name of river, name of basin, name of sub-basin, Strahler number.

  • Energy

  • Integrating Analytical Frameworks to Investigate Land-Cover Regime Shifts in Dynamic Landscapes

    Regime shifts—rapid long-term transitions between stable states—are well documented in ecology but remain controversial and understudied in land use and land cover change...

  • Paradigm Trap: The Development Establisments Embrace of Myanmar and How to Break Loose

    Is it possible for Myanmar to take a path to sustainable development that would avoid the pitfalls of the orthodox development paradigm? This report argues that this is not only...

  • State of Corruption: The Top-Level Conspiracy Behind the Global Trade in Myanmar’s Stolen Teak

    The forests of Myanmar are defined by their monetary value and have been part of the military and economic elites’ profits and, in some cases, survival for decades. The entire...

  • Legally and Illegally Logged Out: The Status of Myanmar's Timber Sector and Options for Reform

    Myanmar has been endowed with extensive areas of some of the most valuable timber bearing forests in the world. But in Myanmar’s recent history they have been more of a curse...

  • Asia and the Pacific SDG Progress Report 2019

    This report analyses Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) trends as well as data availability for monitoring progress in Asia and the Pacific and its five subregions. It...

  • Asia-Pacific Trade and Investment Report 2018: Recent Trends and Developments

    The Asia-Pacific Trade and Investment Report (APTIR) is a recurrent publication prepared by the Trade, Investment and Innovation Division of the United Nations Economic and...

  • The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2017

    The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2017 reviews progress made towards the 17 Goals in the second year of implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The...

  • National Strategic Plan for Advancement of Women (2013-2022)

    This comprehensive ten year National Strategic Plan targets the key areas that affect women’s lives, and indicates practical ways to address the issues that Myanmar women are...

  • Foreign Aid Implementation Report (FAIR) Fiscal Year 2015/16 [Lao PDR]

    The Foreign Aid Implementation Report (FAIR) analyzes Official Development Assistance (ODA) by Development Partners to Lao PDR in the fiscal year of 2015/16. Continuous...

  • Lao PDR- Consolidated Livelihood Exercise for Analyzing Resilience

    The report examines climate impacts on livelihoods and is intended to be used as a tool to identify adaptation options for the most vulnerable livelihoods in Lao PDR.

  • Instruction on Management and Use of Donated Fund for Disaster Relief

    The instruction determines the principles, regulations and measures on the management and use of donated fund for victim relief to ensure the unity, economy, transparancy,...

  • Final Report: Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Myanmar Hydropower Sector

    The Myanmar hydropower sector, in the early stages of development, has the opportunity to develop sustainably by balancing electricity generation with environmental and social...

  • Main River Basins in Myanmar

    WMS Resources for layers: Main River Basins in Myanmar

  • Decree on Climate Change [Lao PDR, 2019]

    The decree determines the principles, regulations and measures on the management, monitoring and inspection of tasks related with climate change, to prevent, protect and...

  • Law on Disaster Risk Management [Lao PDR, 2019]

    The law determines the principles, regulations and measures on disaster risk management to enforce the effective, efficient and proactive actions, under the provision of...

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