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12.465 datasets found

Kết quả lọc
  • Báo cáo sơ kết 5 năm thực hiện Đề án tái cơ cấu ngành nông nghiệp theo hướng nâng cao giá trị gia tăng và phát triển bền vững

    - Báo cáo gồm 2 phần: - Phần 1. Đánh giá tình hình thực hiện cơ cấu lại ngành nông nghiệp: các thành tựu đạt được: - Cơ cấu lại nền nông nghiệp đang bộc lộ nhiều hạn chế, yếu...

  • Ngành thủy sản phấn đấu đạt kim ngạch xuất khẩu trên 10,5 tỷ USD năm 2019

    Năm 2019, tình hình thế giới, khu vực được dự báo sẽ tiếp tục diễn biến phức tạp, khó lường; kinh tế thế giới tiếp tục phục hồi tăng trưởng, chiến tranh thương mại giữa các nước...

  • Quyết định số 1690/QĐ-TTg về việc phê duyệt Chiến lược phát triển thủy sản Việt Nam đến năm 2020

    - Quyết đinh này phê duyệt Chiến lược phát triển thủy sản Việt Nam đến năm 2020 với các nội dung sau: - 1. Phát triển thủy sản thành một ngành sản xuất hàng hóa, có thương hiệu...

  • Myanmar successfully renegotiates debt, ownership terms for Kyaukphyu

    This is an article regarding the renegotiation of terms for the KPSEZ.

  • MyanmarTimes Thilawa SEZ Articles

    This library record contains two articles about recent investment in the Thilawa SEZ.

  • Investment (DICA)

    This website contains government-prepared information regarding investment laws in Myanmar.

  • Special Economic Zones (DICA)

    This web page contains government-prepared information regarding special economic zones in Myanmar.

  • Kyauk Phyu Special Economic Zone

    This is the website that contains information regarding the Kyauk Phyu SEZ.

  • Prakas No. 217 on allowing Golden Dorwin Trading Limited to quarry limestone in East Toukmeas mountain area, Kampot province

    This Prakas is to issue the licence for Golden Dorwin Trading Limited located in #18B, Russia Blvd., Phnom Penh to quarry limestone for cement production in East Toukmeas...

  • The Kunming-Vientiane Railway: The Economic, Procurement, Labor, and Safeguards Dimensions of a Chinese Belt and Road Project

    The Kunming-Vientiane (K-V) railway, part of the Kunming-Singapore multi-country rail network (or Pan-Asia Railway), is an anchor investment of the Chinese governments Belt and...

  • Report on China-Laos Cooperation Opportunities under the Belt and Road Initiative in 2018

    Report on China-Laos Cooperation Opportunities under the Belt and Road Initiative in 2018

  • Survey of Cambodian public opinion (January 2007)

    The survey was conducted nationwide on a sample of 2,000 Cambodian people from 20 December 2006 to 20 January 2007 in all 24 provinces. 71 % of the respondents felt that the...

  • Survey of Cambodian public opinion (August 2009)

    The survey was conducted nationwide on a sample of 2,000 Cambodian people (400 Cambodian Muslims) from 31 July to 26 August 2009 in all 24 provinces, by the Center for Advanced...

  • Report on internal audit of the 2012 voters lists

    The internal audit on the 2012 voter list aims to verify the righteousness of the National Election Committee (NEC) on the establishment of the voter list, to demonstrate the...

  • The results of an independent audit of the current voter registration list in Cambodia

    The report aims to provide independent election observation, verify the accuracy of the 2006 voter list and evaluate the quality of the voter registration process. Jointly...

  • Survey report on participation and democratic governance 2011

    This survey report aims to study and understand the people's participation in democratic governance at national (National Assembly) and sub-national levels (commune councils),...

  • Results on index conditions of the prioritized sectors in 24 constituencies (province-capital city)

    "The Rectangular Strategy II for Growth, Employment, Equity and Effectiveness" was adopted by the Royal Government of Cambodia for its fourth mandate. Due to its nationwide...

  • 2016 voter registration monitoring and observation report

    A three-month period of the new voter list registration started from 1 September to 29 November 2016. Despite introduction of the modernized voter registration system and...

  • Survey report on voters list and registration (2009)

    Since the new voter registration system was introduced in 2003, voter cards were no longer issued. Voter registration and updates are conducted by commune councils and the...

  • Electoral reform in Cambodia

    This program consultation report is the result of election document and legal framework reviews, and in-depth consultations and interviews with nearly 150 stakeholder...

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