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12.465 datasets found

Kết quả lọc
  • National sector review 2003: Hydropower

    Cambodia is one of the south-east Asian countries that is rich in water resources. According to the latest preliminary study, the total hydropower potential of the country is...

  • Law on tobacco control

    The purpose of the law on tobacco control is to protect the public health and minimize its impacts on health, economic, society, and environment caused by tobacco products. The...

  • Local public services performance and unofficial fees

    The study focused on three specific public services provided at the commune level: the Commune office, primary schooling and health center services. These three local services...

  • Final election observation report on Cambodia's 2013 national election

    The report is a result of TI Cambodia observation on the Cambodian national election on 28 July 2013. TIC deployed 906 nonpartisan election observers to the representative...

  • Irrigated agriculture

    This paper gives an overview of water resource management for agricultural sector in Cambodia. The overuse of surface and ground water for this sector affect the water flow...

  • Indigenous land management and tenure: Three reports from Ratanakiri and Mondulkiri

    This presentation was conducted by Community Forestry International in cooperation with Indigenous Community Support Organisation (ICSO) and and Non-Timber Forest Product...

  • Increasing Pressure for Land - Implications for Rural Livelihoods in Developing Countries: The Case of Cambodia

    This study aims to (1) analyse the early impacts of ELCs on indigenous people in the project area of Welt hunger hilfe, (2) analyse the context and the...

  • Discussion paper: The sustainable development goals in the context of the Lao people’s democratic republic november 2015

    This is an analysis to inform discussion between the Government of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) and the United Nations (UN) on the adaptation of the...

  • Discarded: Communities on the Frontlines of the Global Plastic Crisis

    This report continues GAIA’s research on the effects of China’s National Sword policy and the broader implications of plastic pollution as the world attempts to adjust to a new...

  • Krabi Goes Green: Towards a 100% Renewable Energy Province-Wide City Model

    This report aims to show the results and findings of a study done on electricity consumption and generation plans in Thailand’s Krabi Province during the next 20 years...

  • Doing business in Cambodia 2010: Country commercial guide for U.S. companies

    Cambodia is a developing market economy that grew at an average rate of over 10 percent from 2004 to 2007, driven largely by an expansion in the garment sector, construction,...

  • Contact list for EDC customers

    This is the list of phone numbers as the contact list of Electricité Du Cambodge (EDC) for customer services. This sheet consists of the phone number of 16 stations of EDC.

  • Law on administration of the Capitals, Provinces, Municipalities, Districts and Khans

    This law is intended to define the administration of the Capitals, Provinces, Municipalities, Districts and Khans. The Capitals, Provinces, Municipalities, Districts and Khans...

  • Exec Summary - Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Myanmar Hydropower Sector

    မှနြှာန ိုငငြံ ရအောားလွှပစြဈထိုတလြိုပရြေားကဏျဍသညြ ှှံှေ့ပှ ှုားရေားအရကာငအြထညရြှာြှှု ကနဦားအဆငြ့တြှငသြာ ရှ ရန ရသားသညြ့အြတှကြ လွှပစြဈထိုတလြိုပြှှုက ို ပတဝြနြားက ငြ နှငြ့ြ...

  • Thailand Power Development Plan 2015-2036 (PDP2015)

    In 2012, the Ministry of Energy (Thailand) together with the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) prepared the Thailand Power Development Plan 2012-2030 (PDP2010...

  • Greater Cardamom Mountains Sustainable Development Vision Reconciling Conservation and Development

    This presentation indicates Cambodia's development and conservation priorities to reconcile the prospects of development trends with natural resource management in the greater...

  • Glossary of Terms Used in the Extractive Industries

    This Extractive Industry (EI) glossary is the first document of its kind which is prepared and published in Khmer and English. It is intended to assist the EISEI network...

  • General Population Census of Cambodia 2008 National Report on Final Census Results

    This document contains general information of Cambodia's population census for 2008 with figures at a glance.

  • Freedom of Expression in Cambodia: The Illusion of Democracy

    This report is a collection of stories about the current state of freedom of expression in Cambodia. The people in these stories hail from every corner of Cambodia, and come...

  • Untitled: tenure insecurity and inequality in the Cambodian land sector

    Eight years have passed since the enactment of the 2001 Land Law, which established a framework for the recognition of land and property rights throughout Cambodia. In 2002 the...

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