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12.465 datasets found

Kết quả lọc
  • Lao PDR: Transport sector brief

    A brief about the transport sector in Laos. The author describes the transport sector, including roads, waterways and air transport. They then discuss key issues affecting the...

  • Falling rubber prices in Northern Laos: local responses and policy options

    A rubber case study by Thoumthone Vongvisouk, PhD and Michael Dwyer, PhD on Falling rubber prices in Northern Laos: local responses and policy options. The report highlights the...

  • Guiding principles towards responsible agricultural investment in Lao PDR

    A discussion note from Mekong Region Land governance (MRLG) summarizing findings and recommendations of a multi-stakeholder initiative and study tour conducted in Southern Laos,...

  • Improving forest governance in the Mekong region

    This report identifies opportunities for regional activities to improve forest governance and combat logging in the Mekong countries. The report is based on a series of...

  • Wildlife in Lao PDR 1999 status report

    Report provides annotated species lists of amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals in Lao PDR. Species accounts are presented for each species, with information on seasonal...

  • Balancing the returns to catchment management: The economic value of conserving natural forests in Sekong, Lao PDR

    A study on the economic returns of conserving forests in Sekong, Laos. The study explores the costs to Laos if natural forest regeneration (NFR) schemes were not undertaken. The...

  • Thông tư số 13/BYT-TT của Bộ Y tế hướng dẫn thực hiện quản lý vệ sinh lao động, quản lý sức khoẻ người lao động và bệnh nghề nghiệp

    Thông tư này được áp dụng đối với các đối tượng sau: Các doanh nghiệp sử dụng lao động bao gồm doanh nghiệp nhà nước, doanh nghiệp tập thể và tư nhân sử dụng lao động; hiểu biết...

  • Farmers’ Responses to Drivers of Forest Cover Change: The Case of Mae Chaem District, Thailand

    Empirical forest transition (shift from deforestation to reforestation) literature has historically struggled to establish a single universally-accepted forest transition...

  • strengthening-water-supply-sanitation-and-hygiene-sector-coordination-in-lao-pdr

    Dữ liệu này không có mô tả

  • Camps, children, chemicals, contractors & credit: field observations of labour practices in plantations & other social developments in Savannakhet and Champasak

    Report discusses the labour practices observed and changes in the target communities. It provides detailed summary descriptions of work practices and conditions that are...

  • Lao Version of FAO’s Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure (VGGT)

    FAO published its Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure (VGGT) of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security in 2012. The...

  • After the Boom: Responding to Falling Rubber Prices in Northern Laos

    This study examines responses to this price drop by Lao rubber growers and state institutions in northern Laos. It also examines the reasons that prices are what they are, given...

  • a-checklist-for-the-vascular-plants-of-lao-pdr

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  • Timber markets and trade between Laos and Vietnam: A commodity chain analysis of Vietnamese driven timber flow

    This study examines the timber trade between Laos and Vietnam, exploring power and political dynamics of the trade between the two countries. The study has adopted a commodity...

  • preparing-redd-in-viet-nam-lao-pdr-and-cambodia-designing-a-redd-compliant

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  • checkpoints-how-powerful-interest-groups-continue-to-undermine-forest-governance-in-laos

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  • Fundamentals of viable community forestry business models: Preliminary research findings

    Research from seven countries (Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Nepal, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam) in the Asia-Pacific region shows that sustainable practices are...

  • District a model for success in beating haze

    CHIANG MAI’S Mae Chaem district has gone from suffering the North’s worst haze to this year becoming one of the least-affected areas. This year there were only 30 hotspots in...

  • FAOSTAT country profile - Lao Peoples Democratic Republic

    A profile of the Lao People's Democratic Republic by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Data is provided on economic indicators; food, nutrition and...

  • REDD+ at the crossroads: Choices and tradeoffs for 2015-2020 in Laos

    This study examines key choices and tradeoffs that confront current efforts to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) in Laos. Drawing on key...

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