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12.465 datasets found

Kết quả lọc
  • Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (Interim), B.E. 2557 (2014)

    The National Council for Peace and Order had to seize control over the administration of the State on 22nd May B.E. 2557 and announced the annulment of the Constitution of the...

  • Sufficiency for Sustainability

    One way that offers hope for achieving a sustainable balance in living is the approach being applied in Thailand that is based on the "sufficiency economy philosophy" of His...

  • Các khu kinh tế tại các tỉnh của Việt Nam

    Một số khu công nghiệp và khu kinh tế ở mỗi tỉnh của Việt Nam, dựa trên một bản đồ từ Bộ Kế hoạch và Đầu tư được nêu trong báo cáo của UNIDO. Đối chiếu với bản đồ trên trang OD...

  • Sub-decree No.33 on reclassification of permanent preserved forest privatization and granting state land ownership in Khun Ream commune, Banteay Srey district Siem Reap province

    1,317 hectares of permanent preserved forest land located in Khun Ream commune, Banteay Srey district, Siem Reap province, were privatized and given to Siem Reap state land...

  • Policy on registration and right to use of land of indigenous peoples

    The purpose of this policy is to register the indigenous communal land to ensure the land tenure, poverty reduction, national economic development, sustainable land use...

  • Manual on implementation of order 01 dated 07 May, 2012 on measures strengthening and increasing effectiveness of ELC management

    This​ manual​ compiled​ 12​ law​ documents​ which​ are​ related​ to​ the​ implementation​ of​ government​ on​ strengthening​ and​ increasing​ effectiveness​ of​ management​ of​...

  • The Grand Theft of Dey Krahorm

    The Grand Theft of Dey Krahorm, one of chapters in a Land Research Action Network publication on Land Struggles, tells the story of Dey Krahorm’s vital struggle to keep their...

  • Thailand’s Special Economic Zones

    The booklet provides the brief background, objectives and strategies of Thailand’s Special Economic Zones (SEZ), and plans of 10 provinces along its border areas. It also offers...

  • Sub-decree No. 255 on privatization of state land in total of 4815.67 hectares, including 6 locations and 4 communes in Samaki Mean Chey district, Kampong Chhnang province for social land concession to allocate to former armed forces and their families, and general poor people

    The land from the economic land concession of Pheapimex Group in amount of 4815.67 hectares was privatized for social land concession project to grant the land to former armed...

  • Eastern Provincial Cluster Development Plan 2018-2021 (Chonburi, Rayong, Chantaburi, and Trat)

    The cabinet resolution dated 15 January 2008 approved the amendment of 18 provincial clusters. There are 4 provinces in the eastern cluster, comprising Chonburi, Rayong,...

  • Key Summary on Draft Special Economic Zones Act B.E....

    This draft Special Economic Zones Act B.E…. aims to be the law on special economic zones, promoting the national trade and investment through ASEAN transport linkage under Free...

  • NCPO’s Order 72/2557 on the appointment of the National Committee of the Special Economic Zones

    This order is governed by Section 44 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (Interim) 2014. The head of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) appointed the...

  • Foreigners' Working Management Emergency Decree B.E. 2561 (2018) Edition 2

    Dữ liệu này không có mô tả

  • Sub-Decree No. 83 on procedures of registration of land of indigenous communities

    This sub-decree is to establish the principle, procedure, and mechanism to register the indigenous community land as the collective ownership with the objective to provide land...

  • Sub-Decree No. 168 on the management of plastic bags

    This Sub-Decree aims to increase effectiveness of plastic reduction on importation, production, distribution and the use of plastic bag in order to improve the public health,...

  • Khung kinh tế thủy văn để đánh giá thách thức ngành nước

    Việt Nam đang trải qua sự thay đổi ngày càng tăng về khả năng cung cấp nước tại các vùng và theo các mùa. Giảm thiểu tác động của những thay đổi đó đòi hỏi phải có sự đánh giá k...

  • Eastern Special Development Zone Act B.E. 2561 (2018)

    This Eastern Special Development Zone Act is regarded as an official launch of EEC Project. This Act aims to engage in clear and definitive land use planning that is appropriate...

  • Partner Countries

    The UN-REDD Programme currently supports 64 partner countries across Africa, Asia-Pacific and Latin America and the Caribbean.

  • How Forestry Contributes to SDGs

    Forests and forestry make an important contribution across nearly every aspect of sustainable development. We’ve compiled a set of examples from evidence on the role of forests

  • Evaluation of the EU FLEGT Action Plan (Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade) 2004-2014

    A team of eight experts has conducted an independent evaluation of eleven years (2004-2014) of implementation of the EU Action Plan on Forest Law Enforcement Governance and...

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