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189 datasets found

Chuyên đề: Economic policy and administration

Kết quả lọc
  • Quarterly Financial Statistics Bulletin 2016 Volume 1

    Government Services, Economic Policy and Administration, Economy and Commerce, Banking and Financial Services, Banking and Financial Services Policy and Regulations

  • Quarterly Financial Statistics Bulletin 2016 Volume 2

    Quarterly Financial Statistics Bulletin Issued by Central Bank of Myanmar. This Report include Major Economic Indicators, Monetary Statistics, Financial Market Statistics,...

  • Decree on Controlled Concession List in Lao PDR

    This decree comprises of 8 articles, identified what is the controlled list of concession, and the role of each government unit who will take in charge of controlled list of...

  • The State-owned Economic Enterprises Law

    The State-Owned Economic Enterprises Law (enacted 1989) outlined that the government of Myanmar retains exclusive rights to conduct business in certain sectors. The law allows...

  • Law on insurance

    The purpose of this law is to determine insurance operations, protect the rights of parties to the insurance, manage the insurance business and contribute to the development of...

  • Report on Macroeconomic Trends from 2012-2013

    Report outlining international and national macroeconomic conditions in Lao PDR in 2012 and 2013, and trends between the years.

  • Flash Report on the Cambodian Economy

    This report highlights a number of economic indicators of Cambodia and its partners. It compares recent figures with those of earlier periods. Fixed asset investments in...

  • Quyết định số 407/QĐ-TCTK - Phương án điều tra thu thập thông tin về thực trạng kinh tế - xã hội của 53 dân tộc thiểu số năm 2015

    Điều tra thu thập thông tin về thực trạng kinh tế - xã hội của 53 dân tộc thiểu số năm 2015 nhằm các mục đích chính sau: Thứ nhất, thu thập thông tin về dân số, thu nhập, điều...

  • Ecotourism as an Alternative to Upland Rubber Cultivation in the Nam Ha National Protected Area, Luang Namtha

    Tourism arrivals in Laos continue to rise, reaching over one million people in 2005. It seems that visitors are primarily interested in the country’s natural and cultural...

  • Doing business 2014 economy profile: Cambodia

    This​ economy​ profile​ presents​ the​ Doing​ Business​ indicators​ for​ Cambodia.​ To​ allow​ useful​ comparison,​ it​ also​ provides​ data​ for​ other​ selected​ economies​...

  • An Agricultural research article: Cambodia’s Accession to the World Trade Organization and Its Impact on Agriculture

    The purpose of this Note is to explain the reasons why Cambodia joined the World Trade Organization ("WTO"), show the difficulties the country will have to overcome in order to...

  • Sub-decree No. 147​ on the Organization and Functioning of the Council for Development of Cambodia

    This sub-decree was created to set the organization and functioning of the Council for Development of Cambodia.

  • Sub-decree No.149​ on the Organization and Functioning of the Council for Development of Cambodia

    This sub-decree was created to set the organization and functioning of the Council for Development of Cambodia.

  • Sub-decree No.27 on the Amendment the Article 1 of Sub-decree No.147​ on the Organization and Functioning of the Council for Development of Cambodia

    This Sub-decree is established to amend the Article 1 point 1.2 by removing Prince Norodom Ranariddh from the composition of​ Co-president of Council for Development of Cambodia.

  • Border Special Economic Zones Development Policy

    This Presentation explains about the policy of Thailand’s Border Special Economic Zones (SEZ), addressing its objectives, principles, workplan, and management mechanism. It also...

  • Guideline and Policy Measure to Develop and Form Thailand’s Special Economic Zones

    The research report informs suitable patterns of Special Economic Zones along the border areas of Thailand, and provides policy guidelines and measures that can be implemented...

  • Lao PDR Biodiversity: Economic Assessment

    This report aims to document the current economic status of biodiversity in Lao PDR, and to use this information to identify needs for the use of incentives, financing...

  • 7th National Socio-Economic Development Plan (2011-2015), Draft Executive Summary 2010

    The Sixth National Socio-Economic Development Plan was prepared based on the overall targets of the Socio-Economic Development Strategy until the year 2020 and Resolution of the...

  • Khu kinh tế ở ASEAN

    Các chiến lược cạnh tranh phụ thuộc vào giai đoạn phát triển kinh tế của đất nước. Các khu công nghiệp và khu kinh tế đặc biệt sẽ giúp các nước kém phát triển thúc đẩy chiến lượ...

  • The Decree of the President of the Lao PDR on Promulgation of the Manufacturing Processing Regulations No. 064 / PR, Vientiane, 28.01.2014.

    The Decree of the President of the Lao PDR on Promulgation of the Manufacturing Processing Regulations No. 064 / PR, Vientiane, 28.01.2014.

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