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12.465 datasets found

Kết quả lọc
  • Prey Lang protected forest and biodiversity conservation area

    This dataset shows the proposed boundary of the Prey Lang protected forest and biodiversity conservation area. The data was collected from many sources by ODC’s mappers such as...

  • Prek Toal bird sanctuary biosphere reserve

    The Prek Toal Bird Sanctuary Biosphere Reserve is represented in this dataset. Dataset provided to Open Development Cambodia (ODC) by Save Cambodia's Wildlife's Atlas Working...

  • Oddar Meanchey REDD+

    This dataset represents the community forest boundaries that combine to form the Oddar Meanchey REDD+ initiative. Data were provided to ODC by Save Cambodia's Wildlife's Atlas...

  • Issues regarding timber legality in Lao PDR

    Our action today and way forward: MOIC and the Wood Industry Association encourage member of the Association to establish the CoC system in theirs factories . So far, nonly one...

  • Agribusiness investments in Lao PDR: Opportunities and challenges for poverty reduction 2011

    Foreign investors from Asia, Europe, the middle east and the Americas have been traveling the globe in search of agricultural land and commodities to feed their populations and...

  • Oil & gas blocks and mining

    These combined dataset provides information on the location of oil and gas blocks as well as mining concessions. Data were provided to ODC by Save Cambodia's Wildlife's Atlas...

  • Hectare forest cover by province in Cambodia (1973 - 2014)

    The dataset describes hectare forest cover by province in Cambodia in 1973, 1989, 2000, 2004, 2009, 2013 and 2014. This dataset was derived from ODC forest cover in Cambodia...

  • Phnom Penh urban sprawl timeline (2003-2013)

    Landsat satellite images are presented in this dataset of Phnom Penh detailing land use change in the year 2003 and 2013. Dataset were provided to Open Development Cambodia...

  • Pursat communal land use planning (CLUP) atlas 2009

    Pursat communal land use planning(CLUP) atlas (Chamraeun Phal, Kbal Trach, Me Tuek, Phteah Rung, Prongil, Roleab, Ta Lou, Tnaot Chum commune) is communal land use planning...

  • Koh Kong communal land use planning (CLUP) atlas 2009

    Koh Kong communal land use planning(CLUP) atlas (Andong Tuek, Chrouy Pras, Smach Mean Chey, Stung Veng, Tma Sa, and Trapeang Rung commune) is communal land use planning...

  • Ratanakiri communal land use planning (CLUP) atlas 2009

    Ratanakiri communal land use planning(CLUP) atlas (Aekakpheap, Ka Choun, Pong, Sameaki, Serei Mongkol, and Toen commune) is communal land use planning extracted from 2009...

  • Siem Reap communal land use planning (CLUP) atlas 2009

    Siem Reap communal land use planning(CLUP) atlas (Chan Sar, Doun Peaeng, Leang Dai, Nokor Pheas , Popel, Srae Khvav, Svay Chek, Tayaek commune) is communal land use planning...

  • Assessing the evidence on food security interventions in the north of Lao PDR 2016

    The concept of food security is complex and encompasses numerous dimensions across its four main pillars: availability, access, utilisation and vulnerability. As a result,...

  • Consuming the future. The real starus of biodiversity in Lao PDR July 2007

    Statements highlighting the current decline of Lao PDR' wild animals and plant populations are as common in technical papers as statements about the country widespread abundance...

  • Conservation & society .ecological knowledge and the making of plantation concession territories in Southern Laos

    For the purposes of this paper I will set aside normative judgements concerning the present and future livelihood outcomes of this case study project for local communities. One...

  • Laos is open for business, but on its own terms

    When Barack Obama traveled to Cuba in March, he became the first U.S. president in almost 90 years to set foot on the island nation.

  • Dự án Quản lý Đất đai của Ngân hàng Thế giới tại Việt Nam (2008-15)

    Mục tiêu là tăng cường tiếp cận các dịch vụ thông tin đất đai của tất cả các bên liên quan thông qua việc phát triển hệ thống quản lý đất đai được cải thiện ở một số tỉnh của Vi...

  • Kampong Speu commune land use planning (CLUP) atlas 2009

    Kampong Speu commune land use planning(CLUP) atlas (Kiri Vaon, Moha Sang, Honorom, Prabei Mom, Prey Khmeng, and Yea Angk commune) is communal land use planning extracted from...

  • Kampong Cham communal land use planning (CLUP) atlas 2009

    Kampong Cham communal land use planning(CLUP) atlas (Chikor, Moung Riev, Roang, and Srak commune) is communal land use planning extracted from 2009 contained both detailed...

  • Mondulkiri communal land use planning (CLUP) atlas 2009

    Mondulkiri communal land use planning(CLUP) atlas (Dak Dam, Pu Chri, Saen Monourom, Srae Ampum, Srae Khtum, and Srae Preah commune) is communal land use planning extracted from...

You can also access this registry using the Giao diện lập trình ứng dụng (see Văn bản API).