Labor migration in the Greater Mekong Sub-region, synthesis report, phase I November 2006
Migration has been occurring in the GMS for centuries, largely in an informal and unregulated fashion. The GMS Labor Migration program, launched in June 2005 by the World Bank,...
Fisheries and livelihoods in the Lower Mekong Basin: benefits and challenges of community-based participatory research
Highlights the benefits and challenges of community-based participatory research. The presentation focuses on community fisheries and the role of fishing in the lives of many...
Adolescents and youth in Viet Nam (reproductive health and education)
A bilingual report aiming to give an overall picture of Vietnamese young persons with an additional focus on the reproductive health of youth ages 15-19. The report provides...
The 2014 establishment survey on the use of information and communication technology
A bilingual report on Thailand’s 11th survey on the use of ICT by establishments, conducted in 2014. The report presents major findings and indicators concerning the use of ICT....
Legal preparedness for responding to disasters and communicable disease emergencies: study report, Lao PDR
Report by the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies into legal issues in disaster preparedness for Laos. Research methods included analysis of...
Household transportation use and urban air pollution: A comparative analysis of Thailand, Mexico and the United States
This report presents the results of a comparative case-study analysis of the impact of household transportation use on urban air pollution. The case studies were conducted in...
Facilitating safe labor migration in the Greater Mekong Subregion, issues, challenges, and forward-looking interventions
This report highlights issues on labor migration in the GMS and offers recommendations toward increasing social protection for migrants, strengthening capacity and legal...
Transboundary water conflicts, a case study: Yali hydropower dam construction in Vietnam
A report about the challenges in assessing environmental impacts of large dams along international rivers, using the case study of the Yali dam. The author argues that the...
China’s filthiest export
An article about China’s ‘export’ of pollution and environmental degradation. The authors discuss air and water pollution and deforestation caused by China and the impact of...
China in the Mekong: building dams for whose benefit?
This policy brief discusses the controversies of Chinese investment in hydropower in the Mekong. It calls for action by governments and Chinese hydropower companies to ensure...
First IWRM assessment report for the four case basins: Glomma, Tagus, Sesan and Tungabhadra
This report assesses to what extent Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) principles have been followed in the four STRIVER case basins- Glomma, Sesan, Tagus, and...
The Don Sahong Hydropower Project
A briefing sheet on the Don Sahong Hydropower Project. The authors describe the project, then argue that the dam will adversely affect migratory fish species, irrawaddy...
Hydro-power and hydro-hegemony: China’s prolific dam building
An article outlining the history of hydro-power in China its pursuit of hydro-hegemony. The article describes the Three Gorges Dam and the Lancang cascade projects as well as...
Evaluation of the EIA for the proposed Upper Mekong Navigation Improvement Project
Prepared at the request of the Mekong River Commission, this report evaluates the environmental impact assessment (EIA) for the Upper Mekong River Navigation Channel...
UNECE Water Convention: Support to management of transboundary waters
A presentation on the UNECE Water Convention and support to parties to manage transboundary waters. The presenter outlines obligations of parties, examples from various regions,...
Water grabbing in the Mekong basin
This paper uses a political ecology approach to examine how state and private actors in Thailand and Laos mobilise power to control the benefits from hydropower while the social...
Tonle Sap biodiversity monitoring protocols
This report forms the basis of a wide monitoring protocol for the core areas of the Tonle Sap Great Lake, focusing on Prek Toal as a model. It concentrates on the large...
Aligning climate and development agendas in the Mekong region, options for regional collaboration between Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos
A report about regional cooperation on climate change. Using Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos as an example, this paper highlights opportunities and strategies for regional...
Duties of notification, prior consultation, and assessment arising from international law in relation to the Xayaburi dam project in northern Lao PDR
This legal briefing note, the first of a series on the Xayaburi dam project, aims to promote discussion among Mekong Legal Network members about potential legal strategies to...
Mekong dams in the drama of development
An article analysing the ‘drama’ of development that plays out in the justifications for hydroelectric and irrigation schemes. The author uses the examples of the Nam Theun 2...
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