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Non-authoritative Myanmar [township/district/state-region] administrative boundaries based on OpenStreetMap geometry

Non-authoritative Myanmar [township/district/state-region] administrative boundary dataset based on OpenStreetMap boundary data, fusioned with March 2020 shoreline data and GAD & Wikipedia place names.

Read the completed metadata for detail information.

Data Resources (14)

  • Shapefile
  • KML
  • GeoJSON
  • Shapefile
  • KML
  • GeoJSON
  • Shapefile
  • KML
  • GeoJSON
  • Shapefile
  • KML
  • GeoJSON

Data Resource Preview - Explore this and other data in the Geospatial Data Explorer (TerriaJS)

Thông tin khác

Miền Giá trị
Loại chủ đề của bộ dữ liệu Administration
Ngôn ngữ
  • Tiếng Anh
  • Tiếng Myanmar
Hạn chế truy cập và sử dụng This dataset is derived from OpenStreetMap data and has been altered as specified in the metadata process. All terms and conditions from OSM licensing under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL) (https://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/) by the OSM Foundation are applicable. You are free to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt this dataset, as long as you credit OpenStreetMap, its contributors and Open Development Mekong. If you alter or build upon our data, you may distribute the result only under the same licence. The full legal code (https://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1-0/) explains your rights and responsibilities. To review more about OSM copyright provisions please go to https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright. This derivative datasets based upon OSM data is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/). By accessing this dataset users agree to take full responsibility for reliance on any site information provided and to hold harmless and waive any and all liability against individuals or entities associated with its development, form and content for any loss, harm or damage suffered as a result of its use.
Ngày tham chiếu của bộ dữ liệu 25 tháng 3, 2021
Ngày mở đầu của phạm vi tạm thời 25 tháng 3, 2021
Ngày kết thúc của phạm vi tạm thời 9 tháng 6, 2021
Cơ sở dữ liệu dịa lý
  • Myanmar
Các tọa độ ranh giới phía Tây 92.1719360351562
Các tọa độ ranh giới phía Đông. 101.170082092285
Các tọa độ ranh giới phía Nam. 9.5980224609375
Các tọa độ ranh giới phía Bắc. 28.5478363037109
Hệ tham chiếu không gian WGS 84 (EPSG:4326) (CRS:84)
Độ chính xác định vị Overall approximate use scale 1:250,000. While some segments (esp. shoreline segments) have been digitizied in a larger use scale, most boundary segments are only in approx. 1:250,000 scale.
Tính nhất quán logic In the OpenStreetMap database, a boundary segment between Myanmar and Thailand is explicitly marked as "contested". We choose the "Myanmar claimed" tagged contested boundary segment for this dataset.
Tính đầy đủ Completed
(Các) quy trình thu thập và xử lý dữ liệu Processing: - Download administrative boundary features for a buffered area of interest encompassing Myanmar from OpenStreetMap using HotExport Tools (https://export.hotosm.org/en/v3/); - On-screen digitizing of shoreline segments based on Sentinel-2 March 2020 satellite imagery in a use scale of approx. 1:25,000; - Conversion of OSM boundary data to line-segments; - Removal of boundary line segments representing contested areas claimed by other countries; - Semi-automated removal of shoreline segments from OSM boundary data; - Fusion of OSM boundary data with improved and consistent shoreline geometry and generation of township boundary polygons; - Generation Myanmar administrative units database table and point geometry dataset with (incl. Myanmar and romanized spelling & place codes) based on Wikipedia and GAD township profiles; - Spatial join of township polygons with the Myanmar administrative units database table/points; - Aggregation of the township polygons to District and State & Region polygons based on the hierarchy specified in the Myanmar Administrative Units table.
(Các) nguồn OpenStreetMap (https://www.openstreetmap.org/)
Thông tin người tạo Metadata. Open Development Initiative (contact@ewmi-odi.org), Punwath Prum (pprum@ewmi.org), Patrick Oswald (patrick.oswald@cde-regions.net)
Phiên bản dịnh dạng Vector: Vector data is used to represent geographic data
Cập nhật tần số irregular
Giấy phép Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike
Bản quyền Yes
Phiên bản 1.0.4
Các từ khóa myanmar admin boundary,myanmar boundary shp,myanmar admin boundary GeoJSON
Ngày đăng tải tháng 5 14, 2021, 20:52 (UTC)
Ngày chỉnh sửa, cập nhật tháng 6 20, 2024, 04:20 (UTC)