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TechSoup Asia Pacific

TechSoup Asia-Pacific is TechSoup’s partner network that supports more than 35,000 nonprofits and charities in 43 Asia-Pacific countries with transformative technology products, knowledge, and services. Our community includes NGOs, charities, foundations, corporations, governments, social entrepreneurs, and volunteers. We believe that technology is a powerful enabler for social benefit. Together, we have developed sustainable, community-driven technology solutions to meet today’s most urgent social challenges.

We are also part of the TechSoup Global Network of more than 65 of the world’s top civil society organizations, which work to improve lives globally through the use of technology. Partners manage a range of technology capacity-building programs to serve communities in nearly every region of the world. Globally, the network has reached more than 1,020,000 organizations and delivered more than US$ 10.1 billion in technology tools and philanthropic services.