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5.895 datasets found

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  • Decision No 39 on preparation of position transfer to sub-national administration

    This decision is to provide procedure to transfer the 28 position from the ministry level to sub-national level under coordination from National Committee for Sub-National...

  • Sambor Hydropower Dam Alternatives Assessment, Final Report

    The Sambor Hydropower Dam Alternatives Assessment was conducted by an international team of experts directed by the Natural Heritage Institute (NHI) under a formal agreement...

  • Sub decree No.144 on the separation of Chaom Chau commune of Pur Sen Chey district, Phnom Penh

    Chom Chao commune of Khan Pur Sen Chey was separated into 3 communes such as Chaom Chau 1 commune, consisting of 8 villages, Chaom Chau 2 commune, consisting of 16 villages and...

  • Royal decree No. 176 on revocation of Snoul Wildlife Sanctuary in Kratie province and Roneam Daun Sam Wildlife Sanctuary in Battambang province

    The Royal decree aims to revoke the Snuol Wildlife Sanctuary, established on 01 November 1993 and consisting of 75,000 hectares in Kratie province, as well as the Roneam Daun...

  • Rapid Integrated Assessment - Cambodia SDG Profile

    UNDP conducted a rapid integrated assessment of Cambodia’s National Strategic Development Plan 2014-2018 and relevant sector plans and strategies against the SDG targets. The...

  • Kingdom of Cambodia: Cambodia RWSS Sector Improvement Support Synthesis Report

    This synthesis report documents the implementation process, results and lessons learned under a three-year Technical Assistance (TA) program undertaken by the Water and...

  • The National Green Growth Roadmap

    The National Green Growth Roadmap envisions a combination of objectives for economic growth and development, human well‐being, and environmental quality, which will promote the...

  • Cambodia’s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution to UNFCCC

    Cambodia recognises the need for respecting the principles of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), in particular the principle of ‘common but...

  • Cambodia’s Second National Communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

    This Second National Communication has been prepared to fulfill Cambodia’s commitments to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). It contains the...

  • Public Private Partnerships (PPP) Procurement Manual

    The Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) is improving the delivery of infrastructure and public services through Public-Private Partnerships (PPP), identified, prepared, tendered...

  • Localizing Agenda 2030 and the SDGs: UNDG's "MAPS" Approach in Cambodia

    While the SDGs are universally applicable “each government will also decide how these aspirational and global targets should be incorporated in national planning processes,...

  • National Implementation of the SDG Monitoring

    Outline of presentation National Statistical System of Cambodia Role of National Institute of Statistics Strengthening national capacity to support SDG monitoring Institutional...

  • Analysis of Cambodia’s Preparedness for the Implementation of Cambodia's Sustainable Development Goals: Challenges, Opportunities and Financing

    The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), envisioned, on top of all, to slash world poverty by half, will end this December 2015. The post MDGs development agenda termed the...

  • Annual Progress Report 2013: Achieving Cambodia’s Millennium Development Goals

    The Royal Government of Cambodia has made an assessment of the progress in achieving Cambodia’s Millennium Development Goals (CMDGs) on an annual basis since 2010. In addition...

  • National policy on green growth

    The policy is envisaged to strike balance of economic development with environment, society, culture and sustainable use of national resources through integration, matching and...

  • Building the foundations for inclusive and sustainable economic growth in Cambodia

    Cambodia will need to diversify the economy providing productive employment opportunities for the 275,000 youths reaching the working age population annually if the returns to...

  • It's Time to Move Towards Environmental Sustainability

    June 5th marks the annual World Environment Day, a time to reflect on the importance of protecting the environment. In September 2015, the UN General Assembly adopted 17...

  • Development Cooperation and Partnerships Report

    As a newly classified Lower-Middle Income Country (LMIC), Cambodia is seeking to consolidate and maintain its impressive track record of socio-economic progress. But realizing...

  • UNFPA steps-up the SDG localization in Cambodia

    The seventeen sustainable development goals adopted at the United Nations General Assembly in New York last year, September 2015, aim to make a better world over the next 15...

  • Who will finance development in Cambodia?

    The Government is well positioned to lead and finance the next stage of national development. Managing partnerships with the private sector will be of increased importance while...