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1.521 datasets found

Kết quả lọc
  • Acts of Defiance: How US traders are ignoring sanctions to import conflict teak from Myanmar

    Following the coup, natural resources provide a source of profit for the military, whereby the forests of Myanmar are defined by their monetary value and have been part of the...

  • Defence lawyers’ toolkit for “false news” cases in Myanmar

    Hundreds of innocent journalists, human rights defenders, activists, Facebook users, protesters, and politicians have been arrested, charged, and sentenced under Myanmar’s...

  • Country overview: Myanmar

    Dramatic changes took place in Myanmar beginning in 2011 that began a transition in this country from half a century of military rule to a hybrid system of government with...

  • Surviving Myanmar’s digital coup

    In the early hours of 1 February 2021, the Myanmar military launched a coup to depose the newly elected government. The military’s offline offensive was accompanied by a digital...

  • A Silent Sangha? Buddhist Monks in Post-coup Myanmar

    The Myanmar Sangha – the country’s community of Buddhist monks and nuns – has played a mostly marginal role in the anti-regime resistance following the military’s February 2021...

  • Myanmar community forest assessment report_recoftc_2022

    Establishment of Community Forestry (CF) was started in the Ayeyarwaddy delta where mangroves mainly occur in Myanmar right after Community Forestry Instructions (CFIs) was...

  • Myanmar Economic Monitor: Challenges Amid Conflict

    Economic conditions in Myanmar have deteriorated in the past six months, with the signs of recovery observed in the first half of 2023 proving to be fragile and short-lived....

  • Recognition of customary tenure in the forest landscapes of the Mekong region (policy brief)

    The policy brief, one of four briefs on the agrarian transition in the Mekong region, explores initiatives and pathways forward to recognise customary tenure arrangements and...

  • Towards gender-equitable land policy and lawmaking in the Mekong Region

    Truly gender equitable land policies and laws require equal say for all in shaping the legislation that will affect their rights and access to land. Numerical parity among men...

  • Myanmar: The State of Internet Censorship.

    Myanmar today is among one of the most censored countries in the world. The country is ranked 17 out of 100 on internet freedom with a score of 9 out of 100 on the Global...

  • Non-authoritative Myanmar [township/district/state-region] administrative boundaries based on OpenStreetMap geometry

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  • Myanmar Foreign Direct Investment by sector.

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  • Myanmar Foreign Direct Investment update by county

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  • Myanmar Companies Law

    The Myanmar Companies Law was enacted by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw in 2017.

  • Percentage of Poverty and Vulnerable Group in Myanmar 2020

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  • Myanmar Statistical Yearbook

    The Myanmar Statistical Year book provides an update compendium of statistics on demographic, socio-economic and environmental aspects of Myanmar. The statistics are compiled...

  • Improved estimates of mangrove cover and change reveal catastrophic deforestation in Myanmar

    Mangroves are one of the world's most threatened ecosystems, and Myanmar is regarded as the current mangrove deforestation hotspot globally. This study demonstrates the...

  • “News is life and death to us”: Understanding media audiences in post-coup Myanmar

    The study found that the 2021 military coup has significantly altered the media environment of the country, causing audiences to change their habits and understandings of both...

  • Conflict Sensitive Research Methods – Training Manual

    This Training Manual is intended to be used to provide civil society researchers with the tools to approach their research projects in difficult contexts that avoid doing harm,...

  • UNICEF Myanmar 2023 situation reports: Humanitarian Action for Children

    The UNICEF situation report presents the main reporting tool to monitor UNICEF’s humanitarian response. They provide an update on the situation and needs of children in a...