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1.521 datasets found

Kết quả lọc
  • Situation Reports of COVID-19 Cases in Myanmar

    This dataset includes situation reports on COVID-19 from the official websites of the Ministry of Health and Sports, Myanmar.

  • Guidance for domestic Air operators

    Ministry of Transport and Communications has instructed all Air Operators including domestic air to follow the Guidance in order to protect and prevent COVID-19 in Myanmar.

  • Law amending the Electronic Transactions Law (15 Feb 2021)

    This Law is the one amending Electronic Transactions Law originally enacted on 30 April 2004 and first amended on 25 February 2014. State Administrative Council enacts this Law...

  • The extension of precautionary restriction measures until 15 December 2020

    The extension of precautionary restriction measures relating to Control of COVID-19 Pandemics has decided to extend until 30 November 2020. In case of urgent official mission or...

  • Notification No.10 on Designation of Development Zone

    The Republic of the Union of Myanmar, Myanmar Investment Commission in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 100 (b) of Myanmar Investment Law, with the approval of...

  • TTCL Power Myanmar Company Limited (TPMC)_ESIA for LNG Power Plant (Ahlone) in Yangon

    This Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) will only cover the LNG Receiving Terminal, Pipeline, and Power Plant; while an Initial Environmental Examination (IEE)...

  • Overcoming as One: COVID-19 Economic Relief Plan-CERP

    In order to overcome the immediate negative impact of COVID-19, the Ministry of Planning, Finance and Industry has issued a comprehensive economic stimulus plan namely...

  • Tyrants, Tycoons and Tigers: Yuzana Company Ravages Burmas Hugawng Valley

    A bitter land struggle is unfolding in northern Burma’s remote Hugawng Valley. Farmers that have been living for generations in the valley are defying one of the country’s most...

  • Politics of Food

    Small-scale farmers in Myanmar, where the economy and politics have just recently been liberalized, are witnessing rapid changes driven by international investors. Laws are...

  • Data Collection Survey on Agriculture Sector in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar

    The Republic of the Union of Myanmar (hereinafter referred to as “Myanmar”), after experiencing a period of military administration since a democratic movement in 1988, enacted...

  • A Strategic Agriculture Sector and Food Security Diagnostic for Myanmar

    Despite its enormous potential, Myanmar’s agriculture has underperformed over the past fifty years. Today, per capita earnings in agriculture average roughly $200 a year,...

  • Development Without Us: Village Agency and Land Confiscations in Southeast Myanmar

    Ten years since our report on ‘Village Agency: Rural Rights and Resistance in Militarised Karen State’, KHRG’s agency approach is as important as ever to understanding the...

  • From Conflicting to Complementing: The Formalisation of Customary Land Management Systems Governing Swidden Cultivation in Myanmar

    Swiddening is a traditional and widespread agricultural system in mountainous regions of Southeast Asia. It is prevalent in Myanmar’s hilly border region. However, economic,...

  • A Strategic Agricultural Sector and Food Security Diagnostic for Myanmar

    Despite its enormous potential, Myanmar’s agriculture has underperformed over the past fifty years. Today, per capita earnings in agriculture average roughly $200 a year,...

  • Agro-Based Industries in Myanmar: The Long Road to Industrialisation

    The development objective of agro-based industry as one of policy instruments of industrialization had been and still continues to pursue over forty years in Myanmar. Yet its...

  • Commodity Trading in Myanmar: Case Study on Oil and Gas

    The primary objective of the assignment is to produce an adequate and comprehensive Commodity Trading Report on disclosure of information regarding revenues from the sales of...

  • EITI Report for the Period April 2015- March 2016. Oil, Gas and Mining Sector

    The purpose of this Report is to reconcile the data provided by companies operating in the extractive sector (hereafter referred to as “Companies”) with the data provided by...

  • EITI Report for the Period April 2016- March 2017. Oil and Gas, Gems and Jade, Other Minerals and Pearl

    This report summarised information about the reconciliation of tax and non-tax revenue from the extractive industries in Myanmar as part of the implementation of the Myanmar...

  • Whose Crops, at What Price? Agricultural Investment in Myanmar

    After years of international isolation, Myanmar is liberalizing its economy and seeking to attract foreign investment. But while foreign investment can play an important role in...

  • Contract farming in ASEAN Countries: a fact finding study

    This fact finding study was carried out for Oxfam Novib to better understand the role of contract farming in poverty alleviation in ASEAN countries. The literature study is...