City Prosperity Initiative
UN-Habitat’s City Prosperity Initiative (CPI) is a global initiative that enables city authorities, as well as local and national stakeholders, to identify opportunities and pot...
The 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production
The 10-year framework of programmes on sustainable consumption and production patterns (10YFP) is a global framework of action to enhance international cooperation to accelerate...
Decree No. 259 / PM of the National Treasury, 01/06/2010
This decree specifies the rules and measures on management and movement of the National Treasury Department to combine the centers of all state sources into the national treasur...
Sakon Nakhon Court jails villagers for forest encroachment
Article about jailing villagers for forest encroachment in the Thai village of Sakon Nakhon.
Commercial Registration According to Commercial Registration Act B.E.2499
This dataset has no description
World Population Dashboard Lao People's Democratic Republic
This dashboard gives an overview of the population in Lao PDR, with factors like maternal and newborn health.
Supporting the resolution of tenure-related disputes
This lesson will introduce a range of dispute resolution mechanisms that can contribute to a coherent dispute resolution system. We will review their relative advantages and dra...
Biodiversity assessment of the Mekong River in northern Lao PDR: A follow up study
The follow-up scoping survey presented in this report builds on the first rapid biodiversity scoping study of the upper stretches of the Mekong conducted in February 2003. It is...
Efficient management for sustainable intensification of rice-based farming systems
A case study of the Save and Grow project's work and successes in sustainably intensifying rice production in Laos, Indonesia, and the Philippines.
Round table implementation meeting 2014: Speaking points of the Swiss Delegation
Swiss delegation commentary on a variety of issues, including food security, land management, civil society funding, the Lao PDR Sam Sang policy, unexploded ordnance, etc.
A political ecology of Jatropha promotion: Elucidating actors, narratives and local reality in the Lao PDR
This thesis aims to analyze the promotion of jatropha-based biofuel production in Laos in regard to policy narratives, the institutionalization of the private sector a...
Resettlement impacts of Nam Ngum 2 hydro-power project on community culture
This report examines the resettlement of people for Nam Ngum 2, a 615-megawatt hydroelectric dam in central Lao PDR. The author identifies several human and environmental rights...
Analysis of investments of China and other neighboring countries and their Influence on the development context in Lao PDR
A brief overview of foreign investment in Laos, predominantly from China, but also from other neighboring countries, and their effect on Laos' development, politics, and percept...
Case studies of rural development and clean agriculture in Lao PDR 2013
The study examines the kind of actors and resources that empower small-scale farmers to promote sustainable agriculture. It also analyzes the reasons given by farmers who change...
Study on urban land management and planning in Lao PDR
This study analyzes the institutional landscape, processes and track record of urban planning and land management in Lao PDR, and makes recommendations to improve future plannin...
Dynamic land use change in Sing District, Luang Namtha Province, Lao PDR
Sing district is the northern most districts in Luang Namtha province bordering China and Burma. The current study examines demographic change, and its impact on land use in Sin...
Addressing disputes and conflicts over the tenure of natural resources
Understanding the normative environment is required to understand the nature of disputes and conflict in a given context. The process of analysing disputes and conflicts require...
Linking food and land tenure security in Lao PDR 2016
This report explores the relationships between land tenure security and food security in Laos, with comparison to other developing countries.
Ministry of agriculture and forestry department of agricultural land management 2016
Outline of the major functions and responsibilities of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry's Department of Agricultural Land Management. Outlines a basic framework for natu...
Land degradation in Laos: Materiality and discourses
Building on recent debates related to environment change an knowledge production, this paper examines the social construction and political outcomes of the current official disc...