SDC geed workshop29 – 31 July, 2014 outline schedule for distribution
SDC GEED Workshop29 – 31 July, 2014 Outline Schedule for Distribution
Local Initiatives to link farmers to markets in upland Laos August 2006
Upland communities in Laos have the benefit of access to relatively large tracts of land, compared with neighboring countries.Yet these communities use their resources mainly f...
Decree on Procurement, Construction, Repairs and Service of State Savings (revised)
Decree on Procurement, Construction, Repairs and Service of State Savings (revised)
Agriculture and forestry sector contribution to the 8 th National Socio Economic Development Plan (NSEDP)
The objective is to make agricultural sector growth ensuring bot quantity and quality of products with focus on the domestic, regional and international markets, through the c...
Historical changes of land tenure and land use rights in a local community.
This article aims to describe the historical changes in the land tenure system in Laos, mainly driven by the LTP and LFA, with a focus on the associated changes in the level of ...
Risk and vulnerability assessment in agriculture 2015
Primer on assessing and minimizing risks to agricultural production in Laos
Agriculture in Transition: The impact of agricultural commercialization on livelihoods and food access in the Lao PDR
The commercial transition is changing livelihood options for non-participating subsistence farmers.Declining land availability changes what and how households produce food. Decl...
Women's rights to be issued on land titles
Women's rights to be issued on land titles
Study on land conflicts and conflict resolution in Lao PDR
This Study is part of a series of Land Policy Studies conducted in preparation of acoherent and comprehensive “National Land Policy Statement for Lao PDR”.
Policy brief #2: Rural land management and land administration
This brief identifies the drivers of change in rural land use in the northern uplands, the main relevant government policies and programs and key land issues and challenges.
Assignment - land use right transfer
Assignment - land use right transfer
The Phongsaly tea development strategy by 2025
Sustainably increasing Phongsaly province tea profile and income of tea smallholder producers through application of high quality environmentally friendly tea production tec...
General status of the system of food and agriculture statistics in LAO PDR
In Lao PDR, agricultural statistics cover mainly production on crop, livestock and forestry.
How can land governance and support to small‑scale family farming work together to strengthen food security and reduce poverty?
Land governance – the mechanisms and processes by which society determines how land is used, for what purpose, and with what distribution of rights and benefits – is central to ...
Development and implementation of direct seeding mulch- based cropping systems in South-east asia “Case studies from the Lao national agro-ecology
Development and implementation of direct seeding mulch- based cropping systems in South-east asia “Case studies from the Lao national agro-ecology
Community-based Natural Resource Management and Watershed Resource Conflicts: a Case Study from Nam Ngum, Lao PDR 1998
There are several dimensions of resource competition and actual or potential resource conflict in the NamNgum Watershed. Most immediately for manycommunities, competition betwe...
The Geographical Indications in Lao PDR 2016
Cultivated land covers about 2 million ha (5%), rice is occupying 60-70%
Large scale land acquisition in southeast asia rural transformations between global agendas and peoples’ right to food
This working paper presents the findings and analysis of a 2 years long research project entitled Large-‐scale land acquisitions in Southeast Asia: Rural transformations betwee...
Agrarian changes in southern Sayaboury Province, 2005-2014, and the status of conservation agriculture secondary reference.
In view of these major socioeconomic and agricultural changes (e.g. increasing land pressure, income diversification and changing labour, resources and capita...
Analysis of Project 41924 - 014 : Nam Ngiep 1 Hydropower Project , Lao PDR
Analyzes a foreign investment into a Lao hydro power project, and its impact on local population. Provides recommendations on conducting environmental impact studies and engagin...