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666 datasets found

  • Residence areas of Lao ethno-linguistic group: Chine-Tibetan

    This dataset informs the location of Chine-Tibetan, one of 4 ethno-linguistic families in Lao PDR, by the proportions of residents in village, district and province.

  • 2015 Progress Report: United Nations Development Assistance Framework in Lao PDR

    This report covers key development trends and results achieved under the UN Development Assistance Framework 2012-2016, as well as challenges, lessons learned and way forward....

  • Goal 4: Quality Education

    This is an official UN page showing the overall information on SDG 4 Targets and Progress.

  • Sustainable Development Goal 4

    This is an official SDG page on SDG 4 yearly Progress and Targets

  • Lao PDR Education and Sports Sector Development Plan (2016-2020)

    This Education Sector Development Plan (ESDP) for 2016-2020 draws on the achievements, challenges and lessons learned from the Education Sector Development Plan...

  • Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education [Lao PDR]

    This page gives info on SDG4 progress in Lao PDR updated in 2018.

  • Foreign Aid Implementation Report (FAIR): 2017 Semi-Annual Progress and 2018 Estimation

    The purpose of this report was to provide aid data for the first six months of 2017 including its plan for the year, and estimation for 2018 in the country as provided by...

  • Lao PDR - United Nations Partnership Framework 2017-2021 Progress Report 2018

    This report covers key development trends and results achieved under the Lao PDR UN PartnershipFramework (2017 2021), as well as lessons learned and consideration of options...

  • Land Use and Land Cover Changes during the Second Indochina War and Their Long-Term Impact on a Hilly Area in Laos

    Armed conflicts create drastic socioeconomic shocks that lead to land use and land cover changes in ways that are not yet well understood. Several studies have used satellite...

  • U.S. gives Laos extra $90 million to help clear unexploded ordnance

    This is a news article on US commitment to provide USD 90 million assistance to support UXO clearance in Laos.

  • National Survey of UXO Victims and Accidents Phase 1

    A comprehensive, village-level survey has been conducted in a low-income country with a poorly developed communications network, covering events in a 45-year time-span. Such a...

  • Victim Assistance (VA) in Lao PDR

    The presentation slides update on UXO victim assistance in Laos, as of 2018.

  • UXO Sector Annual Report 2017

    This report reviews the progress of UXO sector in Lao PDR for 2017.

  • UXO Sector Annual Report 2015

    This report reviews the progress of UXO sector in Lao PDR for 2015.

  • UXO Sector Annual Report 2014

    This report reviews the progress of UXO sector in Lao PDR for 2014.

  • Unexploded Ordnance: In-depth

    This is UNDP press article on its project for Improving safety through UXO removal in Laos.

  • UN accepts demining on SDG agenda

    This news article inform on the commitment of SDGs on UXO in Cambodia

  • US Bombs Continue to Kill in Laos 50 Years After Vietnam War

    This article features the impacts of unexploded remnants on Lao people despite several decades after the secret US-Indochina war

  • Dubrovnik Action Plan

    The Dubrovnik Action Plan establishes a list of priorities for both States parties and other implementation actors, and also serves as a tool to monitor progress. Substantively,...

  • Reduce the Impact of UXO

    This page informs the progress of MGDs on UXO impact reduction.