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666 datasets found

  • Provisional Report of the 4th Lao Population and Housing Census 2015

    This report is the first to be generated from the 2015 Population and Housing Census. The main objective of this report is to disseminate some of the key results of the Census...

  • Structural Injustice, Slow Violence? The Political Ecology of a “Best Practice” Hydropower Dam in Lao PDR

    Large areas of the rural Lao landscape are being rapidly transformed by infrastructure development projects. Arguably, it is hydraulic development that is contributing most...

  • Overview of Internal Migration in Lao PDR

    This brief is part of a series of Policy Briefs on Internal Migration in Southeast Asia jointly produced by UNESCO, UNDP, IOM, and UN-Habitat. It provides facts on migration...

  • IOM and Labour Migration: Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in Lao People’s Democratic Republic

    This fact sheet gives an overview on Special Economic Zones in Lao PDR. It also reflects lessons from actual site visits by International Organization for Migration.

  • Results of Population and Housing Census 2015

    This report consists of the 2015 population and housing census results, contained detailed and disaggregated information on demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the...

  • Strategy on climate change of the Lao PDR

    The document reports about the key strategic priorities toward climate change in Laos. These include adaptation and mitigation on different sectors such as agriculture and food...

  • 10-facts-on-biodiversity-conservation-in-laos


  • US Department of State fact sheet - Laos

    Short fact sheet on United States relations with Laos, US assistance to Laos, bilateral economic relations and Laos' membership in international organisations.

  • Annual review of REDD+ activities in Laos 2010

    The report is about the role REDD has played in project development in the forest sector in Laos. Since 2009, a number of projects have come into existence under facilitation of...

  • Graduation from Least Developed Country Status: The 5th National Human Development Report

    The 5th National Human Development Report (NHDR) examines different facets of underdevelopment in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) that classify it as a Least...

  • All Hydropower Potential Must be Developed: Energy Official.

    This media article argues presents the Laos PDR governments stance on hydropower projects in Laos. It cites government representatives' discussion about why Laos' hydpropower...

  • Ecotourism as an Alternative to Upland Rubber Cultivation in the Nam Ha National Protected Area, Luang Namtha

    Tourism arrivals in Laos continue to rise, reaching over one million people in 2005. It seems that visitors are primarily interested in the country’s natural and cultural...

  • Drivers of Forest Change in the Greater Mekong Subregion: Lao PDR Country Report

    The main objective of this study was to review and analyze existing information on the drivers of change currently affecting Lao forests - including both negative and positive...

  • Protected Area Governance and Equitable Access in the Lao PDR

    This report provides eight recommendations for implementing the concept of equitable access in the governance of protected areas, particularly in the Lao PDR. First, formalize...

  • Laos And China Come to Terms on Loan Interest Rate For Railway Project

    Archived news article on the financing of the Laos-China railway with a Chinese government loan.

  • From Millennium Development Goals to Sustainable Development Goals: Laying the base for 2030

    This report is designed to provide technical support to the Lao PDR in localizing, monitoring, and reporting on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is the product of...

  • Climate Smart Agriculture in Laos

    Lao PDR is highly vulnerable to climate related incidents such as floods and droughts. SNV is working to increase rice farmers’ productivity by increasing their resilience to...

  • The gender and equity implications of land-related investments on land access and labour and income-generating opportunities

    A case study researched and published by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) on gender and equity implications of land related investments on selected agricultural...

  • Power Surge: The Impacts of Rapid Dam Development in Laos - An International Rivers Report

    This report presents the challenges that hydropower development poses to rural livelihoods and fragile ecosystems, and details the specific impacts caused by Lao dam projects....

  • Camps, children, chemicals, contractors & credit: field observations of labour practices in plantations & other social developments in Savannakhet and Champasak

    Report discusses the labour practices observed and changes in the target communities. It provides detailed summary descriptions of work practices and conditions that are...