Public Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Act, B.E. 2550 (2007)
In this Act: “public disaster” means fire, windstorm, flooding, drought, epidemic in humans, in animals or in marine animals, or invasion of plant pests, including other...
Emergency Decree on Fisheries, B.E. 2558 (2015)
The provisions of this Emergency Decree aim to reorganize fisheries in Thailand and in waters at large with a view to preventing unlawful fishing in order to...
Minerals Act, B.E. 2560 (2017)
The State has the duty to undertake mineral management with a view to achieving optimal benefits of the nation and the people in a sustainable manner, having regard to the...
Water Resources Act, B.E. 2561 (2018)
The allocation, use, development, management, maintenance, rehabilitation and conservation of water resources and rights in water shall be as provided in this Act except that in...
Public-Private Partnership Act, B.E. 2562 (2019)
For the purpose of the execution of this Act, in the case where any partnership project involves more than one State agency and no agreement can be reached as to the...
Gender Equality Act, B.E. 2558 (2015)
Prescribing policies, ordinances, Rules, Notifications, measures, projects or procedures for State agencies, private organisations or any person which appear to discriminate...
Thailand Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC)
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Greater Mekong Subregion Distribution of Mangroves; Thailand
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Foreign Direct Investment in Thailand 2015-2024
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Foreign Business Act B.E. 2542 (1999)
In granting permission to foreigners for the operation of businesses under this Act, regard shall be had to advantageous and disadvantageous effects on national safety and...
Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand Act, B.E. 2522 (1979)
There shall be established the industrial estate authority called the “Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand,” to be called in brief as “IEAT,” being a juristic person having...
Environmental Impact Assessment on Diversion Route Lower Yuam Reservoir -- Bhumibol Reservoir: Executive Summary Report
Under the Feasibility Study: Environmental Impact Assessment, Public Relations and Public Hearing of the Bhumibol Reservoir Inflow Augmentation Project, Panya Consultants Co.,...
Trade Competition Act B.E. 2560 (2017)
The reasons to pass this Act are: the Trade Competition Act B.E. 2542, is due to its having been in force for a long time resulting in some provisions being inconsistent with...
Regulation of Department of Marine and Coastal Resources on Carbon Credit Sharing Obtained from Planting and Maintaining the Mangrove Forest for Community B.E.2565
The Royal Thai Government realizes that it is appropriate to encourage communities to participate in marine and coastal conservation, restoration, and resource management to...
Digital Thailand - AI Ethics Guideline
This Digital Thailand - AI Ethics Guideline was created for researchers, designers, developers and artificial intelligence service providers to use it as a guideline for your...
Thailand’s 20-Year National Strategy and Thailand 4.0 Policy
Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha stated that the 20-year national strategy, which he had mentioned many times, is expected to help the country to achieve sustainable...
The Mekong and Women in Northern Thailand
Local knowledge of the Mekong River Basin is important to determine their own destiny and the Mekong River ecosystem. No one will know and love the Mekong River more than the...
Budgetary Procedures Act, B.E. 2561 (2018)
The budget preparation, the administration of appropriations, the budget control and the evaluation as well as reporting shall be carried out in compliance with this Act and in...
National Intelligence Act B.E. 2562 (2019)
Reasons and necessities for the restriction of rights and liberties of persons under this Act are for the benefit of the National Intelligence Agency operation to obtain...
DGA Community Standard on Government Data Catalog Guideline version 1.0
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